Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time in the Toy Box

After bathtime we headed back into Peter's room and got a diaper on him but he quickly got away and decided it was time to climb INTO his toy box. This is his new thing. He hikes up his leg, lifts it over the little laundry basket holding his toys and pretty much falls on top of the heap of toys.

Then he sits down and starts to throw out all the toys.

After he's made a significant dent in his little basket of toys he'll stand up, look at me and whine. Somehow he can figure out how to fall INTO the basket but can't figure out how to get back out! Mama goes and gets him out and sets him on the floor by the toys.

The minute he's out he stands back up, looks in the basket and starts climbing back IN!!! SILLY BOY!!!

Then he'll stand up and look at me and do a little stamp of his feet...which inevitably makes him uneasy because he'll stomp on a toy and end up falling down on his butt. (Note: Our cat doesn't understand all this nonsense and just tries to avoid the toys flying out of the basket.)

It's so funny to watch him play. He's getting more and more of a personality and is figuring things out every day. He is starting to know how to get what he wants by himself or by tugging at me to get it. It's so fun to watch him grow!

Now I just need to teach him how to clean up his mess afterwards!

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