Saturday, March 14, 2009

New computer!!!! (video)

It's been a crazy busy week around here. Lots of things on the schedule. Add in the fact that we got our tax refund and were able to pay off some bills and I get a little distracted from blog posting.

The bonus though is that with our tax refund we bought a brand new Dell computer from their outlet store. For $300 we got a kick butt machine and are now in 2009!!! Yahoo!!!

The computer arrived tonight and I have been having fun playing. I found a program on it to make videos so here is my first music video of my baby boy. I've been wanting to make one for a long time and I'm sure I'll learn more tricks as time goes on, this one was slapped together in just an hour exploring the program. I've never made one of these before and I had so much fun doing it!

Anyways, I'll post more about our week tomorrow. In the meantime, grab your kleenex and let me know what you think of my very first video!

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