Thursday, March 5, 2009

First Swim of 2009

(These pics were taken about a week ago.) After John got home from work one day it was just such a beautiful day and nearing 90 degrees and I REALLY wanted to go out to the pool. So we found our swimsuits and after a good 5 minutes of trying to fit Peter's 6mo swim trunks on over his big thighs we finally hit the water!!

He had the greatest time splashing! He even kinda kicks as we move him along in the water.

And splashing is LOTS of fun!

He didn't quite understand trying to walk on the steps. It wasn't like walking on land! It was harder to stay balanced for some reason!

Dad kept Peter's head safely above the water.

Peter seemed like he found a new home. Supposedly both mom and dad were "fish" when we were younger...seems like Peter will be one too! I'm hoping to get him into an Intro to Swimming course at the Y this summer.

We'll have to do it again! Though I am definitely getting Peter swim trunks that fit next time! It took another 5 minutes of tugging to try to get them off afterwards!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow. Peter looks very comfortable and happy in the water! Maybe he needs another name like "fish" or something! And look at those blue eyes and that cute little nose. Too much fun and growing so fast. Nice to see Jen is ok too. great blog.
Nana Dee

Anonymous said...

Just like his mama. It looks like he is going to love swimming. He is having so much fun. I love it!