Monday, March 16, 2009

New developments

Family updates:

We had a busy week. We got our tax refund so we've been catching up alot of old bills and have nearly everything paid off!! Yay! No more debt!

We bought a new computer. Very exciting! We haven't had a BRAND NEW computer EVER. We've always been years behind technologically. It's so neat to be in 2009, this computer does so much! I haven't even begun to explore it!

We got a replacement stroller for Peter. Bum luck though was that the rear axle was broken so I had to request a new part from the manufacturer...means a few more days of waiting.

Bum luck continued with John's car. We need to fix his window, but the replacement part we had was broken. Annoying. So waiting on that too.

Jen went to the dentist. No cavities!!! Yay!

The big news is that we had an appointment with a housing counselor. We got prequalified for up to $120,000 for a new home!! I think we will have to spend some time improving our credit over the next couple months so we can get a competitive lending rate. It's exciting though. We can be paying the mortgage of a new home for less than our current rent. I think we've signed our last lease for a long time!!! We've started dreaming of homes by searching the real estate listings online. It will be hard to hold off to improve our credit!

Peter's updates:

Well you all know Peter is walking. He can now stop mid-walk, bend over to pick something up, then stand back up and continue walking.

He's also pointing alot. It started with his Valentine's day balloons and now its onto everything. He likes pointing up. I'm trying to teach him how to hold one finger up so he can say he's "one year old". He hasn't gotten it yet, but we have a few more weeks.

I think Peter is trying to say DOG. It comes out as "Dahhhhh"

Peter started clapping his hands a few days ago!! I've been wanting him to do this for months!! He won't do it on cue though. I tried to get him to clap for me and as soon as I turned my back to him John said that he started clapping. Such a tease!

Playing the Easter Bunny while shopping at Target

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the bunny ears! Sooooo cute!