Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rant About Healthcare

So Peter got turned down for renewal of the state health insurance he's been on. He is out of health insurance in 2 days! I'm frustrated. They referred us to another program but it takes 30 days for approval. I hope my boy doesn't happen upon any pocket change during that time!

And it prompted me to look at our health insurance as a whole and the other programs we may qualify for.

We pay over $700 a month for health insurance for John and I! And I still have $50 co-payments and $60 prescription co-pays for each of my diabetes medications. It's an easy $1000 a month in health costs!!! That's flipping crazy! And I don't always have the money for the co-pays sometimes so I'm canceling appointments and sacrificing my health care. After I've already paid that $1000 a month, I'm not even able to take advantage of it!!!!

There's a government program we are income eligible for that would reduce our payment to about $100 a month and co-pays to around $5. Seems like a no-brainer. BUT we can only qualify if we've been WITHOUT insurance for 3 months.

ARGH!!!! It's a scary proposition for a diabetic to be without insurance!!! What do I DO!?!? I guess I just stay on my health insurance another month, get all my scripts refilled, visit my doctors, then take the giant leap into the "uninsured"???

Government is stupid sometimes. I really wish for European universal health care some days.

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