Sunday, April 19, 2009

Weekend News

Home Shopping
Looking at homes is interesting. It's fun to go to a variety of homes and see the different paths our lives could follow. In town? Suburbs? Country? Lots of land/ok home vs little land/nice home. Close to neighbors? Far? What will we sacrifice, what won't we budge on... There's so many different things to think about. So many directions we could choose.

This weekend we looked at some homes in the country. Lots of land but definite fixer-uppers. John loved the space but I just can't see dragging Peter out to the middle of nowhere. He'd be so far from friends and I'd worry we'd turn into isolationists. That isn't us. Oh well, now we know.

John's Work Picnic
Saturday John's work had a company picnic at a park. It was a beautiful day out and we enjoyed seeing and meeting his co-workers. John got to show off his little boy. They were all amazed at how much he was walking and interacting with everyone. Peter was fascinated by the kites people were flying...they are almost like balloons! I was bummed I forgot the camera.

Well baby Peter hasn't nursed in 48 hours. It's a good thing because my body has started attacking me and I NEED to be on medication. But I'm also sad. I liked having that time with my baby. It felt good to be able to provide for him. I will miss it.

Diaper Rash
Peter has his first serious case of diaper rash. He didn't really have one his entire first year of life. I worry it has something to do with weaning him. Maybe he's reacting to cow's milk. I'm not sure. We'll have to watch it this week to see how it progresses.

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