Friday, April 3, 2009

SAHBA Home Show

Today we went to the SAHBA Home Show. (Southern Arizona Home Builders Association.) It's a huge home and patio conference that takes over the Tucson Convention Center. They offer just about anything for your home: mortgages, builders, landscapers, garages, windows, crafts, beds, energy savings, hot tubs... It was fun to go and dream of our new home.

Peter is feeling better. He still has a good cough that sounds like it must hurt. It makes my heart skip a beat every time I hear it just because I fear something is wrong. But it never is. He's doing great. He has lots of energy and is all smiles.

Yesterday Peter went to storytime at the library and was his usually crazy self exploring the whole room. When we got home he even helped me get the mail. He walked almost all the way to our mailbox all on his own! He also climbed the stairs outside our apartment a couple times with daddy.

So it seems like everything here is starting to get back to normal. I'm still keeping him on mushy food for a few days until that cough goes away, but his appetite is definately coming back! Kids are sure resiliant!

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