Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday Fun Day!

We had another long, fun day today! We woke up early and took John's car into the mechanic to get his front window fixed. It can now roll down!!! Yay!!! We did a little house shopping and returned movies we had rented. It was a long time to be in the car but Peter seemed happy. Part of his excitement might be because we turned his carseat facing forward this week. He can now face the world head on!!!

(PS. Keep a look out at these photos for top teeth! He has 4 top teeth that you can see pretty well now!)

This afternoon Peter got a reward for being such a good boy all morning. We went to Gymboree with our mommy group! Yay!!!

Oh my gosh! A rare quiet moment! It's because a bubble landed on his forehead!

Here's a picture of Peter's big belly.

Peter had fun with the basketball hoop. At home he's been finding "baskets" everywhere. He likes to get on his tip toes to put things in boxes and bowls. His favorite place is his diaper champ where we throw away his diapers. It's just the right height to place things in. He puts balls, toys, and even Chewy into its little cubby.

Such a climber! He's a true adventurer. He climbed this whole thing all by himself!

Big grin!

He was so proud when he figured out which hole fit his ball. He's always on the search for where things fit. Earlier this week he found out that a plastic easter egg fits perfectly in our surround sound speaker. I was watching tv when I noticed something was blocking the sound! I got on my knees in front of the speaker and pulled out a purple easter egg! (Oh, look, there's some teeth in that grin!)

Being chased by daddy in the tunnel! He isn't scared of those pesky tunnels anymore. He bolts right on thru!

He had a blast! (Look, top teeth again!)

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