Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Peter!

Today was Peter's 1st Birthday! We had a busy day! Mommy took over 200 pictures so it was hard to choose which ones to put on the blog. It's late so I'm just doing a quick post to share with our family. I'll try to get a more up tomorrow.

This morning we went to library storytime. He's been going to this storytime since he was about 2 months old so we have made some friends there. Peter wore his birthday hat and they sang him "Happy Birthday".

At home, mommy and daddy got Peter some balloons to play with. Peter had fun dragging them around the house.

For dinner we headed to Peter Piper Pizza, an arcade style pizza place. One of John's co-workers and his family joined us for a small birthday celebration.

Mommy got Peter a cute birthday outfit. I couldn't resist! How many days does your little boy turn one!

Peter likes pizza. He probably ate a whole piece just by himself!

We put Peter on little ride on toys for the first time. He didn't know what to think when we put tokens in and the whole car started moving. He just held on tight and his eyes went all wide.

Peter had fun playing with our friends kids. Gilbert liked picking Peter up and pretending he was a bunny. Peter thought it was the best!

Peter spent some time studying his cupcake. Then he picked up little pieces. It was super cute. John says he ate it all prim and proper. Our boy wasn't the dive in type!

I think he liked the sugar frosting!

By the time he got to the cake part he was ready to shove the whole thing in his mouth.

He got a *little* messy for his birthday but he was definitely a happy birthday boy!

Our family! We had fun for Peter's first birthday. We were all exhausted by the end of the night. John carried Peter in from the car and just plopped him in bed. What a great day!

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