Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Peter Peter Parking Meter

Peter got a new nickname this weekend from the nurses at UMC. "Peter Peter Parking Meter". We spent the weekend in the hospital getting a penny removed from being wedged in his esophagus.

Saturday morning as I was getting off the phone Peter started choking, gagging and turning red. I picked him up and gave a few thumps on his back and he started breathing normal and seemed fine so I didn't think much more of it. Throughout the day though he kept coughing and drooling like crazy. His nose was dripping snot and he didn't seem to want to eat or drink anything and he kept gnawing on his hands. I wasn't sure if he had swallowed something, if it was a problem with teething, or if he was just getting sick.

We put Peter to bed around 8pm and every once in a while still heard coughing. I went in to check on him at 10pm and he was fast asleep but his sheets were covered in vomit. I freaked out, woke John up and he held Peter and started cleaning him up while I stripped the bed and started the laundry going. After everything was cleaned Peter seemed fine and ready to go back to bed so we laid him down again, grabbed the baby monitor and headed to bed. Less than 10 minutes later I heard gagging and went back and he'd vomited again...

I ended up holding Peter all night as he slept...then spontaneously threw up...went back to sleep.... I changed sheets, did about 4 laundry loads, and just tried to help my poor baby. By the time the sun was coming up it seemed to be slowing down. I sat down to nurse him for breakfast and 10 minute later it started all over again.

I was done, this was not normal. I called the doctor, who said "Go the to ER". Then packed the diaper bag, 3 fresh onesies, a handful of blankets and drove to the closest hospital that I know has the shortest wait time in Tucson.

Of course by the time we got there Peter was fine. He had low energy but was still smiley and wanted to hold the nurses stethoscopes. He threw up all over my shirt in the waiting room but by the time we got to the back all signs of gagging and choking were gone. They looked at me like a worried mommy whose baby was sick for the first time and I was overreacting. They gave me Pedialyte and told me to just feed him slowly.

But I was still worried. I told them "He's been choking and gagging and I really think he swallowed something...can you atleast look?!" So we waited and waited...eventually they took us to the xray room. While in there I started thinking "Maybe I am overreacting...this is just gonna be a huge bill to use this xray machine just to find out he's fine..."

But less than 5 minutes later the doctor was back in our room telling me how there was a quarter in his esophagus and she was gonna have to get an ambulance to transfer him to another hospital to get it removed. Then she showed me the photos. (PS. There are 3 round things that were the buttons on his onesie. Pay no attention to those.)

It was going to be about 4 hours before they could get an ambulance but the other hospital had an immediate opening in their operating room so they actually released Peter to me to drive him over to the other hospital. We raced to UMC, the same hospital where Peter was born. It felt nice to be back somewhere that I kinda knew.

They took Peter right away and within probably 30 minutes of arriving he was heading into the operating room. He was still all smiles as the nurse carried him into the operating room letting him play with her security name tag. The wait was horrible. John was still at work and all I could do was text him to let him know what was going on. I'm sure he hated not being able to get there fast enough. He did arrive while Peter was in the operating room.

They had to put Peter under with anesthesia and put a breathing tube in. They sent a scope with a camera down his throat and once they found the coin they were able to grab it with pinchers and bring it back up. Turned out to be a penny. (Yes, we saved it for his baby book.)

The surgeon said that his esophagus was kinda cut up and raw and they needed to keep him overnight to make sure he didn't get an infection and to keep him from getting dehydrated After Peter was done and the anesthesia still had him out John and I headed to the cafeteria. It was about 4pm and I hadn't eaten yet. My shirt was covered in vomit from the terrible night before. I was just dead to the world. It felt good to finally get some food though.

We headed to our room and they brought Peter back. John ran home quick to walk the dog and pick up a new shirt for me. I was very happy to get a few things! John was a good husband and tried to make things as easy for us as he could.

They gave Peter a terrible bed. It worked as long as he was asleep but as he woke up and got energy he was able to climb right out of it. I couldn't bring myself to risk putting him in there. I ended up holding him all night. I didn't get much sleep in those hospital chairs as my baby dripping with wires rested on my chest. I hate that you share rooms too. The other mommy wouldn't turn her light off until around 11pm. Poor Peter had a hard time trying to hide from the glaring florescents.

What really broke my heart though was when Peter was hungry and clawing at my shirt and trying to climb into my bra and they wouldn't let me feed him. It was hard on both of us.

I was glad when morning came around. Peter seemed a little better. I begged the staff to find out if I could nurse Peter yet and soon was told I could. He seemed to have more energy and they unhooked him from the monitors and the IV. We were a little bored in our room so headed out on a tour of the hospital floor and found a playroom. We played in there for about half an hour. Peter figured out how to climb a little slide. They also had books and a stack of rings that we took back to our room.

The rest of the day we traded between sleeping and going to the playroom. The doctors cleared him to go home but it always takes a while for that decision to get written up and filter down through their system until you can actually leave. We finally got out around 4pm.

I can't tell you how happy we were to be home. All of us hit the bed and crashed. Now, its time to finally get myself a shower as Peter takes his morning nap. His throat is still sore and scratchy and we're gonna keep him on liquids for a few day. He gets little bursts of playtime energy but mostly he's just cuddley and clingy. He's been through quite alot these past few days!

I keep telling John this is only the beginning! I have a feeling our adventurous little boy will keep us on our toes! He's an explorer and wants to find out about everything in this world. And right now he finds out about things by eating them!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

We Are Blessed

Today was a great day. It was one of those days that makes you grateful for everything that you have and everything we have been given in life. It was an absolutely gorgeous day here in Tucson. The skies were blue, in the sun it was hitting the mid-70's, the grass was green the palm trees were swaying in the gentle breeze.

We decided to go to the zoo today and see the animals. For the first time Peter actually SAW the animals. The peacocks wanted to come after the Cheerios in his stroller. After having a staring contest with Peter I decided it would probably be better if we moved away since they aren't confined. We saw a Tiger eating a big T-bone, a jaguar looked us in the eye, the giraffes ate grass right in front of us. It was great.

This was one of the first outings with our "new" stroller. We finally got a replacement for the stroller we lost in the airport over Xmas. It's the same stroller (with minor differences). I love that I no longer have to hunch over the handles, its balanced, and the wheels rotate more freely. It only requires one hand and makes life SO much easier. I love my stroller. I am so grateful we were able to get a replacement!

After cruising the zoo we sat down in a big green grassy knoll and had a snack. We had brought our own drinks and popcorn so we ate that and let Peter play in the lush grass. He doesn't get much opportunity to do that here in Arizona. It was fun to see him try to walk on the bumpy earth.

When we got home we went to visit one of the other neighbors who is moving. She has an 2 year old and didn't want to move all the clothes her son had grown out of so she offered us some free clothes and shoes! What a sweet gesture! I know she probably just wanted to get rid of it but I am glad that she thought of us. I've got the clothes going through the laundry right now and will sort through them all tomorrow. The shoes are cute too and they are just the right size!

I feel so blessed. We get by on so little in our household. We don't have much money. We don't have alot of the things that other people have in their lives. But we get by...and then some. We've learned how to take advantage of deals and how to stretch a buck. We have amazing parents and family that help us out and have supported us along the way. I'm grateful that we've been so lucky to have them and to have them involved so much this past year as Peter arrived and they have helped him blossom.

We have an amazing son whose smile and giggles can brighten every day. And he has everything he could possibly need! I don't know what to recommend for his birthday...he has clothes, he has toys... (I need to look into opening a 529 college savings account for him so people don't waste their investments for him.)

At this point our biggest "need" is money towards a down payment for our home. Once we have a home I have great gift ideas for Peter! I can't wait to get him a tricycle and a sandbox! It will be so much fun to have some SPACE!

Above all I'm grateful we've figured out how to have a happy home...I just hope over the next year we can own one of our own!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time in the Toy Box

After bathtime we headed back into Peter's room and got a diaper on him but he quickly got away and decided it was time to climb INTO his toy box. This is his new thing. He hikes up his leg, lifts it over the little laundry basket holding his toys and pretty much falls on top of the heap of toys.

Then he sits down and starts to throw out all the toys.

After he's made a significant dent in his little basket of toys he'll stand up, look at me and whine. Somehow he can figure out how to fall INTO the basket but can't figure out how to get back out! Mama goes and gets him out and sets him on the floor by the toys.

The minute he's out he stands back up, looks in the basket and starts climbing back IN!!! SILLY BOY!!!

Then he'll stand up and look at me and do a little stamp of his feet...which inevitably makes him uneasy because he'll stomp on a toy and end up falling down on his butt. (Note: Our cat doesn't understand all this nonsense and just tries to avoid the toys flying out of the basket.)

It's so funny to watch him play. He's getting more and more of a personality and is figuring things out every day. He is starting to know how to get what he wants by himself or by tugging at me to get it. It's so fun to watch him grow!

Now I just need to teach him how to clean up his mess afterwards!

Relaxing on our Deck

It's been hovering near 80 degrees the past week or two and we've been spending alot of time outside and just enjoying the weather. We have a nice deck to sit out on and have been letting Peter explore it a bit.

He seems to understand that the sun is a little hotter and the shade is nice and cool. He has his own chair that I got at a yard sale, but its still a little too big for him to fit into properly. Instead, he enjoyed pushing it around with him and babbling like it was a car.

Just outside our deck there are sprinklers that pop up throughout the day to keep the grass green. When they popped up Peter went toddling out to investigate.

Daddy tried to help so Peter wouldn't fall face first into the sprinkler.

The sprinklers were fun to touch. Peter tried to grab the water and ended up getting all wet.

He walked up and down our sidewalk and fell into the water and mud a couple times when he strayed off the sidewalk. His pants ended up needing a good scrubbing and so did he!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bubblepalooza Park Day

This week is national bubble week and our MMoT mommy group had a park date today to play with lots of bubbles! It was at a park I haven't been to yet but I really loved it. Some playgrounds are just for older kids but this one had things that Peter could play with plus they were shaded so we had lots of fun! And it was in a beautiful part of town. Just take a look at the mountains in the background!

I caught Peter mid-step on this picture! He had fun cruising the playground.

Peter got distracted by the pool in the distance and went toddling away from me. He goes long distance now. I'd bet the pool was a good 50 feet away. He's also started turning corners!

The pool looked like so much fun! There were people swimming laps and Peter was trying to figure out a way through the bars. He could get his foot through but that was about it.

One of the playgrounds was sitting in a huge sandbox. Other kids brought sand toys that we were able to play with. (Birthday idea!)

For the first time I actually let Peter play in the sand. I have never really let him get down and dirty so that was big for me. He would dig his hands into the sand, get a big handful then pull his hand up to look at it. When he would open his fist up all the sand would fall out of it!! He didn't know what to think about that!

He spent alot of time crouching in the sand instead of sitting. Funny boy!

We found a bulldozer to play with!

Peter took the bulldozer out of the sandpit and drove it all around the sidewalks babbling.

There were a few bubble machines blowing bubbles that we could chase...there were a few too many other things to look at though.

Peter found the slide and spent about 5 minutes trying to climb UP it. Didn't work.

It was hard to climb all over the playground but it was just as much fun to play UNDER it.

Peter was exhausted at the end of playtime and fell asleep before we were out of the parking lot. We had lots of fun! We will have to play there some more. Maybe next time we'll take daddy to play in the sand with us! For now though it was time to head home and get a good bath!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Getting Ready to Leave

So I'm getting ready to leave this morning to go to yard sales. I get my iPod charged up, get my cell phone, get a drink for me, juice for Peter, change diaper, dress Peter, feed and water the pets, load the diaper bag. I get everything in my arms. Juggle the diaper bag, drinks and Peter out to the car. Load everything in the car. Strap Peter into his car seat. Give him some juice. Walk around to my side of the car, sit down...and guess what??

I forgot my keys.

SO...I get Peter out of the carseat. And since I have no keys I can't unlock the apartment gate. So we walk around the complex to 4 different doors until I find one that's open. All the while carrying my 20 lb baby.

Finally I'm in the apartment and can get the keys, but while I'm getting them Peter decides its fun to dump over the dog's water dish...


Friday, March 20, 2009

Gymboree Day

We had a busy day today. Both our dog and our cat had vet appointments and shots this morning. That kept us busy for about 2 hours. Then we came home for Peter to have a nap. In the afternoon we headed over to Gymboree to play with our MMoT friends.

Peter loves balls lately. He likes to pick them up and throw them. He can bend over to get them now and stand back up. He's also starting trying to put them in things like the pots and pans, in the cupboards, the dog bowl, the bathtub... I find them everywhere.

Peter learned how to crawl on his belly to go under this bridge and get a ball. He seems to have learned that if his head goes up to much he'll bump it. It's neat to see his little brain working and figuring that out.


The theme of the day was "circles". Peter liked to play with these circles.

Peter smiling at a new friend. He tried to grab and bite her toes right after I took this picture.

More bubbles! Everyone loves bubbles!

Tunnel time! Peter wouldn't go through the tunnel, he would just smile at me through it! Sometimes he'd try to roll the tunnel back and forth.

Playing under the parachute.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tennis, Anyone?

Tonight when John got home from work we decided to go to our apartment's tennis court and let Peter and Gizmo run around a little.

Peter thought it'd be fun to try to destroy the fence. Roar!!!

Wait, what's this net thing in the middle of our play area??

It's like a wall...but not!

We raced Gizmo, our dog, back and forth down the tennis net. Gizmo is fast!!

Peter liked to walk along the fence for something to hold onto. Gizmo liked to follow him.

We brought out the walker, but Peter didn't use it much. It's more fun to walk without it.

Walking with dad. It was a good way to spend our evening.