Saturday, October 9, 2010

Train Ride (video)

It has been a beautiful week here in Tucson. It's finally below 100 degrees, with most days reaching the 80's. We can venture outside and stay there longer to enjoy the sunshine. One day I decided to take Peter to the zoo to see all the animals. After about an hour running around the zoo we decided to ride the zoo train.

One of the highlights at the zoo was going into the aviary. There was a zookeeper in there cleaning and she stopped to give Peter a super pretty blue and purple feather.

He did a great job of holding onto it the whole way home so we could show daddy. (It reminded me of Dumbo because he held it so gently between 2 fingers and wouldn't let it go.)

Train rides are always one of his favorite things. He now knows to yell "All Aboard!" and enjoys watching the world go by.

I took a little video of him on the train. Sorry its a little bumpy...but we were on a train!

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