Sunday, October 31, 2010

Superman Movie (video)

Peter is addicted to Superman. He insists on wearing his Superman costume every morning. The only way I get it off him is to let him carry it in a bucket when we go out to the car. He takes it to bed and sleeps with it. And yet, I don't think he knows who Superman is. This week Daddy sat down with Peter to watch the Superman movie.

Peter's Superman costume is seeing its last days. It's supposed to be a 2T-3T but his legs are already too long and the neck barely snaps. It's seeing its last days. It's got rips in several spots and his diaper hangs out the back of it now. One too many jumps from the couch or somersaults on the floor. I'm hoping I'll find a bigger size on clearance after Halloween.

Oh no! There were scary parts in the movie!

Peter also likes to steal daddy's Superman hat. And he got a special treat at the mall this past week when we found a Superman monster truck. He takes that just about everywhere he takes the costume. He is a happy boy!!!

Here's a little video of our little "Super Peter!"

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