Sunday, October 31, 2010

28 weeks: The Final Trimester!

It's official! I am now in the final trimester! 28 weeks aka 7 months pregnant! Only about 80 days to go until our new little boy is due! I imagine he will just show up one day and I will be surprised and not at all prepared. I feel like we haven't done much to get ready for him except look through name books.

The past few weeks I've slowed down a bit. My back hurts more now, it takes more effort to get up and down, and I hate to bend over. Thankfully I have a "super" helper in my little Superboy Peter. He will help me pick things up off the floor and is learning that I can't always lift him up anymore.

My latest ultrasound they said that the baby is measuring a few weeks ahead. I'm not sure if I place much faith in them though...they said the same thing about Peter and estimated he would be nearly twice what he ended up being when he came out. In any case, they say baby is 3 lbs already. And still a little over 2 months to go!

Biggest news is that I finally got my insulin pump and have been on it now for two weeks. It was strange to not have to get up and do an injection every time I eat, now I just have to push a few buttons and the little machine does it for me. It's about the size of a beeper and filled with 3-4 days worth of insulin delivered via a tube that is in my stomach. It's awfully convenient!

I am still trying to figure out how to carry the darn thing. My maternity pants are too elastic to hold the heavy little beeper up and half of them don't have pockets so it is getting put in my bra most of the time which isn't super comfortable. And nighttime is even more of a challenge! Oh well, I will figure it out eventually.

The hardest thing to get used to has been the new insulin I am using. My insulin resistance is much higher in pregnancy and they changed me to U-500 insulin which is 5x's more potent. This means adjusting numbers but it also has a slower reaction time so I have to plan ahead what I will be eating so I can dose correctly. I've had a lot more highs and lows trying to get it right.

My blood pressure was also starting to creep up a bit so they started me on some medication for that last week. My blood pressure went from 152/89 to 111/63. No wonder I have been feeling so faint lately! Ultimately, they said that was good for the baby though.

I'm sure this last part will just fly by. Thanksgiving and Xmas always do. I'm excited for the holiday season to start but a little anxious at the surprise that will come at the end. Before we know it a new Palmer will be arriving!

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