Saturday, October 9, 2010

Playing Outside (video)

We've been playing outside almost daily this week. It's nice to go out in our "yard" to ride Peter's cycle and kick or throw a ball around. The added bonus is that it will hopefully work up his appetite for dinner and be tired for bed...hopefully!

Peter is in love with his new shoes. They are his "race shoes"...for some reason! They are Thomas the Train shoes that light up as he runs. I found them on clearance for $3 at Walmart. Totally made my day because they were the only ones left, Peter's exact size, and trains! And he totally needed shoes so it was perfect!

We also got Peter a haircut this week. We spent a few days at home first watching "first haircut" videos on YouTube and he got very excited about getting a haircut and getting a lollipop. We got a great hairdresser and for the first time Peter spent his haircut giggling instead of crying. I was so happy to have a different experience! He is now obsessed with haircuts and wants to pretend to cut mommy, daddy, and the dog's hair.

I also splurged ($4!) and bought Peter a new Halloween shirt. Peter is quickly learning all about Halloween. He knows "Stein" aka Frankenstein, "Puh" aka pumpkin, "Ster" aka Monster, "Bat", "Witch", "Claws", "Ghost", "Ten" aka Skeleton, "Bones, and lots of other fun words. I'm still working on "Trick or Treat". He loves to go to the "scary store"...basically anywhere with a Halloween aisle. I'm still not sure what he will be for many options!

Peter is officially 2 and 1/2 today. Our little boy is growing so fast! He is talking up a storm and repeating a lot of what we say. John and I were riding in the car and John was talking and made a comment about how something "bit him in the butt" and all of a sudden from the backseat Peter yelled "Bite...Butt!!!" We just stared at each other in shock and then burst out laughing. Time to start watching our words!

I thought I'd share a little of Peter playing around the tennis court where he rides his cycle. I had to laugh at this one because he kept pretending to fall down. Oh and yes, that is him jumping in puddles in his new shoes. Crazy kid.

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