Friday, October 1, 2010

First Visit to Mexico

Thursday we decided to set out and go on a mini-vacation and leave the country! Yup, that's right! We packed our bags, grabbed our brand new passports and headed down to Mexico! We drove a little over an hour to Nogales, Mexico for a little day trip and to do some shopping.

The drive was pretty easy. We weren't sure what to expect when we got there. We parked our car in a private lot about a block from the border and took a stroller and walked right across into Mexico. Getting into Mexico was a breeze. No one stopped us or even looked at us as we walked through the little entry way. Coming out on the other side was like a different world. The streets were so crowded together and filled with pharmacies, liquor stores, crafts, and dentists.

We decided to push past the initial shops and get a little deeper before browsing around too much. It was a HOT day. Tucson actually hit a record high of 102 so I imagine it was in the triple digits as we walked around. Between stores we stopped to get some water bottles and got Peter a lollipop. We let him play in an open courtyard for a little bit chasing birds. He fell down once and a nice policeman helped him back up.

Peter was a really good boy and stayed close to us most of the time. I was really grateful he was listening and happy to see new things.

After about an hour of walking around we were ready for a break. We needed to get out of the sun and away from the aggressive sales people standing outside the stores. We went into a little open air cafe and found an employee from Davenport, Iowa. Small world!

We ordered some snacks and drinks. John had an awesome margarita and swore that we'd come back to this cafe every time we visit Nogales. It was a nice relaxing restaurant and a good break from the day.

John did pick up some of his prescriptions that are just too expensive in the states. We were happy to find them at a cheaper rate and still sealed within their original bottle. Jen got a Welcome sign for the front door. Peter got a deal on some cute miniature bobble head animal toys.

Peter loved his mini-dragon. It had wings and an "owwie tail". He spent the entire lunch hour flying him around the room. Soon we had some other people sit at the table next to us and they started smoking. Boy, am I grateful that Tucson doesn't allow this in restaurants anymore. I was ready to leave.

After getting ourselves re-energized at the cafe we were ready to go home. I think we were only in Mexico about 3 hours but being right at the border shops for that long is a little overwhelming. The sales people are really trying to get your money and I felt like we had to be constantly vigilant of our surroundings. It's strange how just crossing a big wall can feel so different.

We got in line to be allowed back into America. Crossing back in they looked at everyone and it took a little longer. Only problem with this was keeping a 2 year old in his place in line. :) But he had his toys so he did pretty good. When we got to the front we presented them with all our passports and were waved right on through. It was nice to be back in the USA!!!

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