Sunday, April 25, 2010

Zoo Animals

Peter and I joined some friends at the zoo again this week. We love the zoo! Such a great, cheap outing for us! I had an "emergency" when I got there camera was out of batteries! I headed into the gift shop to get some new ones and Peter found a cute zoo hat while we were in there. It fit him so perfectly that I gave in and bought it for him. The zoo worker ended up scanning Peter's head because he wouldn't take it off.

While we waited for our friends to arrive Peter decided to chase the ducks around. He almost got close enough to pet them!

Every time we go to the zoo we spend a good 10 minutes feeding the ducks in the pond. Peter likes to throw them food and laughs at them when they splash around to get to it fast.

Peter is liking elephants lately. He decided to show the elephant his impression of a flamino, or "go" as he calls them.

"Raff tall!"

Peter LOVES turtles! He thinks they are the coolest thing ever. His stuffed turtle from Guam sleeps at the foot of his bed.

Peter pretending he's a "Tur-el too!"

Stretching out in the playground log.

Coloring with friends in the hand-on exhibit area. Guess what they get to color? Turtles! Peter has finally learned to hold the paper down with one hand when he colors. We are working on learning colors a lot lately. Mostly he knows blue, green, and pink. Sometimes we can get black or yellow, too.

Peter also is pretty funny when he hears something. Any time he hears a choo-choo or a bird or just a loud noise he will stop and try to listen for it. I started pointing at my ears and saying "listen" but Peter sticks his fingers IN his ears to listen! Silly boy!

After being at the zoo for a little bit some school field trips started coming in. It got busy! Peter doesn't like all the other kids running and screaming around. I don't remember my field trips being so crazy. Here they seem to unload, get in the zoo and just get set free. It gets a little insane. We ended up losing our group and leaving halfway through. Oh well, thankfully we can always go again!

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