Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blood Drawn

Peter had his 2 year checkup today! Peter is 28 lbs, nearly four times his birth weight! He is 35 1/2 inches tall. That's like the 80th percentile, he is always so tall!

This appointment was rather uneventful. Peter is growing fine and he was flying all over the room. He tried escaping into the hallway so much that the doctor finally moved her chair in front of the doorknob. Then he got on his knees and drove his trucks in the "tunnel" under her chair.

There were no shots this time. Yay! But they did order some blood tests including some allergy tests. We also are going to see the allergist next week to find out where we are with that stuff and where to go next.

After we left the dr we went to get the blood drawn in another building. Peter was getting a little cranky by this point and in the waiting room he was complaining and throwing himself on the ground grunting. I could see the nurses giving us dirty looks and trying to pawn him off on each other. I was also getting a little nervous of whether this would happen or not.

Thankfully we got in quickly. Peter was fascinated by the lab room. I sat in the chair with him in my lap and they gave me instructions on how to be a straight jacket for him so he didn't thrash about. Then the nurses (and I) all took a deep breath and they stuck in the needle...

...and there was SILENCE!!! The adults all looked at each other in shock. Peter wasn't squirming or crying or anything! He was just watching the needle and the rubber band tied off on his arm. About halfway through the second vial he finally realized he was supposed to cry and let out a few whimpers.

By the time they were getting the cottonball out and pulling out the needle he was just watching in silence again. He got a "bracelet" bandaid wrap around his arm and was watching as they wrapped things up. I even got him to say "tank-u" to the nurse that drew the blood. I think her heart melted.

I then sat Peter down on the floor and he ran out into the hallway and yelled "BYE!" at the assistant nurse. He was all smiles and gave a little jump then ran back out into the waiting room to yell "BYE!" to the people out there.

I was so happy it went so well, I have such a brave little boy!

1 comment:

Oma Cindy said...

You tell a story like nobody I know. Thanks for sharing your life like this. I really felt like I was there!!!