Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Truck Trek

This past weekend we went to a Truck display at one of the local schools. They brought in all kinds of vehicles: flashy cars, garbage trucks, tractors, horse & buggy, recycling truck, a bulldozer, an excavator, a firetruck, a police car, ATV's.... Basically if it had a steering wheel it was there!

Peter got to drive his first John Deere tractor.

I told him he was reliving his Iowa roots!

He also liked to explore the big shovel...thank goodness the keys were not in there. Not too many times I'll let him get this close to one of these! He had a blast being able to get right up close though!

He loved driving the excavator. The main driver was there and let Peter push all the buttons and showed him how the handles all worked. Peter loved it. I'm sure whenever they started it back up all the lights were flashing and wipers were going.

We met about a dozen of our friends running around the giant parking lot. Peter's girlfriend Abigail was there and they rode in a 4X4 together. I like this picture. It looks like Peter is lost and Abigail just wants him to pull over for directions. :)

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