Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Interview With a 2-Year-Old

What is your name?
"Pee-er" (Peter)

How old are you?

What are your favorite things to do?
Park, Play, Cycles, Choo-choo, Cars, get naked and put my diaper in the trash

What do you like to eat? What do you dislike eating?
I like "berries, corn (on the cob), turkey, melon, (hot) dogs, muffins, (avo)Cado, noodles".
I don't like getting sick from foods I'm allergic to: milk, soy and nuts.

Do you like to cook?
"Corn!" Popcorn anyways, mommy gets out the air popper and lets me watch the kernals pop!

Do you have any pets?
"Dog-hie, Kitty, and fish."

What is your favorite color? Why?
"Blue!" It's the only one I really know and is the color of the sky!

What do you think you will do when you grow up?
I will make lots of "buddies" and make people smile.

Do you have any chores?
I can put things in the trash, I put my diapers there alot. And I help with the laundry, I play basketball with clothes to fill the washing machine. Sometimes though I'll throw other things in there like cars or food, mommy doesn't like that so she usually double checks my work.

What does your family celebrate? How do they celebrate?
My family will find any reason to celebrate. Sometimes its a big multi-day celebration like Xmas or birthdays. Other times its just a special snack and stickers.

Do you have things to do every day that you don’t like doing? What are they?
Taking naps, going to the store with mom and waiting for her, staying inside when its raining

What are your favorite animals?
Dogs are everywhere and they are fun to pet! Kitties are cool when they meow. I try to make our kitty meow but he only does when you hurt him and mommy doesn't want me to hurt him. At the zoo I like the turtles, the ducks, and the giraffe. I like to say the word "baboon", but I don't really like them.

What is your favorite thing to wear? Why?
Any of my choo-choo shirts or car shirts. They are cool! Also anything with "pah-kets (pockets). And if mom would let me I would wear a "suit" aka swimsuit every day.

What would be the best thing someone could give you?
Anything with cars or trains or a bus or plane...things that GO

What are your favorite books?
Hands Hands Fingers Thumb
Stop Train Stop
Baby Faces
Elmo Loves You
I Love You Stinky Face
How Does a Dinosaur Clean Up His Room
Counting Kisses

Which sports do you like?
Baseball, I went to spring training games and recently learned how to catch a ball in a glove. I need to get a t-ball set this summer. I also like basketball and love to make baskets when I put my toys away. I LOVE swimming though. At the pool last week I got in a swim ring and swam by myself from one side of the pool to the other!

Do you live in a house or an apartment?
An apartment. I like it because there are a lot of people and dogs to say hi to. We have a basketball court where I can ride my "cycle" and chase my dog. We also have a pool to swim in when it is hot out. And mommy taught me how to run through the lawn sprinklers.

Have you ever met a famous person?
Yes, Ronald McDonald at the book fair this year. And "Bob", Spongebob at another fair!

How do you spend your free time? What hobbies do you have?
Set up a track in the living room and play choo-choo. Watch the Disney Channel's Chuggington or Sesame Street. I now recognize the Sesame Street song and ask to watch "street" in the mornings. We also go to a lot of activities with a bunch of kids from the mommy group.

What kind of people do you like?
Anyone that likes to run and chase me at the park, kids with choo-choo's or cars, happy people that give hugs

What kind of people do you not like?
Kids that hit or are mean, I don't run into that much so I don't understand it. I try to give them hugs and they shove me away. Also, those strange kids that sit down and color forever. They are too boring for me.

What's something you do well?
Smile, laugh, run, eat, play, hug

Are you a 'morning' or 'night' person?
Morning, always better after a full nights sleep.

What is your day like? (When do you get up? What do you do all day? When do you go to sleep? Etc.)
I get up around 6am, but mom doesn't always get me out of my room until 6:30am. Then we go to the living room and get a morning drink then I get set up to watch Sesame Street while mom makes me something for breakfast. After breakfast and Sesame Street we will start getting dressed and ready to go out. I always take mommy her shoes to make sure she knows I want to go out. Usually by 9am we are heading out the door for some activity with the mommy group. We either go to the park, the library, the zoo, gymnastics, the pool...there's always something to do in the morning.

After our activity we have a snack/lunch then head home for naptime around noon. My naptime is getting shorter. A lot of days its only about an hour and a half. When I wake up again sometimes we go to the store for groceries or else we just play at home. At home we either play choo-choo's or cars or we go outside and swim in the pool or ride my cycle around the complex. Sometime between 4 and 5 daddy comes home from work so we go inside to have dinner. I'll watch tv with daddy. Sometimes we'll color or play with play-doh.

Around 6pm I start my bath and winding down for the night. Mommy will put my jammies on and I will chill with daddy a bit longer. Then mommy will read me stories in my room. She'll tuck me into my new toddler bed with Chewy and then give me a kiss. She turns on my bedtime music, turns off the reading lamp and then closes the door. I like it dark in my room. I made her take the nightlight out so I could sleep better.

I have lots of busy days. We try to stay home once a week, but it doesn't always happen. The days we stay home I usually end up tearing the house apart!

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