Saturday, April 17, 2010

Toddler Bed Success!!!

I think it is safe to say that Peter has graduated into a toddler bed!!! Woohoo!! Yay! Go Peter!!! He has been soundly sleeping in his toddler bed for naptime and nighttime for the past 4 days. Mommy just got too worried with him climbing out of the crib in the dark and half asleep so we decided one day to have Daddy just take the side of the crib off.

There hasn't been any real problems, he is actually starting to get back into a normal sleep pattern. Part of him wants to drop his mid-day nap so I've been working really hard to tire him out in the morning so that he keeps it. Momma needs a break! We do still put the baby gate up on the door to his room. Sometimes he will fuss for 5 minutes but then he closes the door and goes to bed.

We are SO thankful that he is sleeping better. It makes his behavior in the daytime better too. Plus, mommy and daddy get a few hours to unwind alone. That is something we are always grateful for at the end of a long day!

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