Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Big News and Recent photos

Well, it's been an exciting couple of days! I just got tickets for Peter and I to go back to Iowa for Xmas!!! I am so excited! We fly out the 17th and return home on Xmas eve so we can be with John on Xmas morning. Yay!! We are sad John can't get the time off to go too. He is planning a man-cation and lots of working, so it should all work out. Plus he has a few days off AFTER Xmas so we'll spend our time together then.

I can't wait to see my family and have Peter spend time with them. It's been nearly 8 years since I've seen everyone together over the holidays. I'm sure it will be a challenge to travel alone with Peter through the airports on Xmas, but it will be worth it. :-D Wish me luck!

Aside from that life here has been kinda boring. Due to car problems I've been stuck at home most of the time the past 2 weeks, but since Peter was sick I couldn't really go anywhere anyway. I'm looking forward to being back out in the world now that he's better. Course wouldn't you know it the car battery was drained this morning! Argh! Such luck!

Anyways, I've dug up a few good photos from the past week or two that I didn't get the chance to post before. Enjoy!

Playing with our friend Monet at the Parent Connection playgroup,
she's about the same age as Peter.

Playing around with Peter's 1st Xmas hat.

Wearing daddy's hat...what a big boy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are so excited to have you in Iowa. We will miss John though. Peter looks so happy. He is this best looking baby ever. I have a picture with him in his Santa hat on my desktop at home and school. Thanks for sharing!