Saturday, December 13, 2008

The hunt continues...

Well, today I caught up ALL the laundry. I picked up the entire living room and our bedroom. I cleared out under the couches. I put away most of Peter's clothes. I reorganized Peter's closet. I did 2 loads of dishes. I scrubbed the kitchen countertops. I got my library items rounded up and by the front door to be returned.

And I still haven't found Chewy. ARGH!!! Where did he go!!!!???!!!???!!!

On the plus side when I checked the mail the NEW Chewy had arrived!! I tore it open on the way back into the house and handed it to Peter and he dragged it with him around the house all night. I just put Peter down to bed and he hasn't made a peep. Ahhh!!! Relief!

I think tomorrow morning I'll have to wash it to soften it a little...the other one was worn down a bit more so we'll have to work on that. :)

Now I'll need to get a replacement for the replacement!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a busy day. It's too bad you can't find chewy. Now you'll have to get a backup for the backup. Where can I find one of those? Love you Jen.