Thursday, December 25, 2008

Iowa family pictures

Just sharing some pictures from our time in Iowa. It was great to share Peter's first Xmas with Jen's side of the family. We had a great time and are so grateful for the chance to see everyone and have Peter get to know his extended family more...and them get to know him! I'll post Xmas photos soon, but in the meantime here are some pics of our family time.

Relaxing at Aunt Kim's house in Iowa, note the snow outside! Brr!!! Jen got to lounge a little while Peter cruised the furniture.

Uncle Ben got to play with Peter in the mornings.

Herky the Hawkeye in the Iowa City mall. Go Hawks!

Peter, Jen and Great-Grandma Dollie. Peter was fascinated with grandma's beads, they were pretty!

Brr!!! We got to experience several inches of snow, an inch of ice and -20 windchill during our one week visit to Iowa. It was definately a new experience for Peter! (And a reminder while we like Tucson!) This picture was taken the last day as it was snowing again...ended up with several more inches of pure powder.

Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Jim got delayed in Amsterdam, stopped in Detroit, then as we were all waiting excitedly for them at the airport the airport closed and their flight was diverted just as they were coming in for landing. We were frustrated to go home without them. After a 3 hour drive they finally arrived home!

Grandpa Jim playing with baby Peter. So much fun!

Another picture all bundled up. Poor Peter could barely move in his big, warm coat but he stayed warm. And looked super cute in his little hat! While in Iowa he also perfected eating Cheerio-type cereal all on his own. It was fun to watch his little brain work and try to get his fingers from his tray to his mouth.

Grandma Cindy gave Peter a bath on the last day. He had lots of fun splashing and playing in the water. Peter even ducked his face in the water a few times...though that was kinda freaky.

Aunt Angel celebrated her 22nd birthday while we were in Iowa. It was nice to be able to celebrate with her!

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