Friday, December 26, 2008

Traveling Xmas Eve

Peter and I arrived home in Tucson! Yay! After the crazy weather and airport delays across the nation we were kinda worried but our flight ended up going fairly smoothly. We left about 20 minutes late. Peter ate on take-off then slept the whole flight. The people next to us were amazed at what a good baby he is.

We ended up getting home around 11:30pm on Xmas eve.

Our only bad news: They lost our stroller! :-(

Seems crazy to me... I took the stroller all the way to the door of the plane! But when I exited it wasn't there. And of course I was loaded down with 2 packed carry-ons plus baby. I hadn't planned to manuver myself through the airport carrying everything. After waiting forever at the gate for them to finish unloading I schleped everything slowly to baggage claim and waited there to see if it came out there. All the while trying to get my bags and balance baby on my hip and hold onto my purse. ARGH!

Still no stroller. Had to report it to the baggage office. It's been over 24 hours now with no sign of it at the airline which worries me. I think I'll have to go out today and get a cheap umbrella stroller. I want to head to the after Xmas sales and need Peter portable.

I'm very glad that they didn't loose the Xmas presents or car seat. Those were even more important things!

We are glad to be home. It was nice to exit the airport into the mid-50 degree weather. It was doubly nice to have John there to help me and give me a big hug and kiss. It is comforting to sleep in our own beds. It's freeing to drive my own car. And its nice to pet our animals. Oh, and I'm loving having my tivo back! :-P

It's nice to be home.

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