Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Superman! (Video)

Peter LOVES his costumes! I am having trouble getting him to wear anything else. After a week of battling to get him in "normal" clothes I am officially giving up and letting him wear his costumes out of the house. If I have to choose my battles I choose to let this one slide. Besides, it always puts a smile on peoples faces to see a little Superman shopping at Walmart!

At the store one day last week Peter HAD to have this Superman costume. He barely waited to get home and try it on. We went outside to play in it and he immediately looked for a place to get up high and "fly" by jumping off it.

He likes to run fast and let the cape go behind him.

Of course, his cycle has now become a Superman cycle because it is the same colors as his "tume" aka costume.

Peter has started racing his bike down the tiny hill to our apartment. There is a straight shoot of sidewalk to our door. He will ride up to the top of the sidewalk then yell "Set, Go Momma?" and wait for me to say "Get Set, GO!" then he races down the hill. Sometimes daddy likes to race beside him.

Somehow Peter knows that Superman flys with his fists in front of him. I have no clue how he figured that out. It's amazing the things that he picks up that nobody really teaches him. He just gets it all by himself. Kinda scary! :-) He also likes to yell "Up Up Away!! Up Up Away Momma!"

We also spent some time making faces. We learned that Peter has his daddy's stretchy skin.

And he likes to make this monster face a lot.

But THIS is always our favorite face...a happy laughing little boy. He sure makes us smile!

A few videos of Peter racing...

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