A few days earlier I found Peter a special Mickey Mouse doll and gave it to him on the way into the show. SO happy I did! He had a special souvenir of his favorite mouse and I didn't have to spend a bundle at the show! He was in love with him right away and kept giving him hugs and kisses.
Peter was super excited as the show started and his beloved characters came out. First "Duckie!" (Donald), then "Gee!" (Goofy), and finally "Mouse! Minnie!" (Mickey and Minnie). He yelled and waved at them on the ice. It was fun to watch him bounce in his seat as they danced around the ice.
The theme of the show was celebrations. It was a fun theme because you could fit in birthdays, holidays, vacations...basically a lot of fun stuff. About 20 minutes in they started the Halloween section. They brought out Jack, the skeleton from the Nightmare Before Christmas movie, and a lot of the Disney movie villians. Peter got instantly scared. He cried "Scared! Go Home!!!" and climbed into my lap. I felt so bad for him. I tried telling him it was ok and just hoped it would end soon. It was pretty scary and seemed to go on FOREVER! Of course, maybe that's because I had Peter crying in my ear...
When Halloween finally ended I hoped that he would calm down. They switched to Valentine's day and all the prince's and princess's came out to sing about love. Unfortunately, Peter was still crying and pulling at me. He climbed over me to the stairs and while bawling he started climbing to leave. I grabbed my bag quickly and followed. At the top of the stairs we stopped and I tried to console him. He started saying "Peter hurt! Owwie penis! Go home!" I figured a trip to the potty was in store to check things out.
In the bathroom I took his diaper off and he looked fine. The diaper was dry, no rash or anything but he was still crying and trying to crawl up into my arms and started choking me he was holding my neck so tight and yelling about "Owwie penis!!" My heart was breaking for him and I just didn't know what to do to make him feel better. I was beginning to worry that we'd have to leave and go home.
I asked if he wanted to go potty, "No!" Then I said "If you try to go potty, I'll give you some candy corn!" (Candy corn is his latest special treat, he only gets them one or two at a time and he is addicted!) Then I led him to the potty. That boy sat down on the potty in tears then a stream of pee came out like Niagra Falls. It seemed to never end! That boy must have peed a steady stream for 3 minutes straight. When he was done he looked up at me and smiled then giggled. "Feel better?" I asked. "Yes! Candy corn?"
The tears were all gone after that. We got Peter all dressed again and headed happily back to our seats. On the way an usher stopped us and gave us some special Toy Story 3 stickers. We sat down in the top seats for the last 2 minutes of the first act then headed down to our seats for intermission to play with stickers and relax a bit.
The second half was much less dramatic for us. Peter danced in his seat and was thrilled when Buzz and Woody came out to race around the rink. He couldn't believe that they were really there. His eyes nearly popped out of his head! I thought he would fall over in his seat pointing at them.
Goofy even made an appearance as Santa Claus.
Peter had such a fun time after we handled his little drama. It has been a few days and he still talks about going to see the "Mouse show". I am so glad I was able to take him to experience the magic that is Disney.
On the way to the car he got distracted in the courtyard and ended up doing spins for nearly 10 minutes. "Buzz spin!" "Woody spin!" "Mouse spin!" He liked to jump up in the air and spin around like he was on ice too. I decided to just let him stay there and spin. He was so happy!
I got a couple of videos of Peter at the show. Enjoy!
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