Peter was amazed that other people were dressed up too! "Tume like Peter, mom! Dress up! My Man Suit!" I was shocked that out of the hundreds of people there we only saw one other Superman the entire night.
Peter loved this ghost sign. "Nice ghosts! Boo!"
"Hi nice ghost!"
Peter got a few new "costumes" this week. He needed some bigger pj's and I found a buy one, get one free sale at Carter's outlet. I dug in the racks and found pirate pj's and race car driver pj's. They are super cute and I hope they will last a bit longer than a traditional he can actually sleep in them comfortably. Anyways, Peter now knows what a pirate is. We came home and he watched Peter Pan for the first time. He was fascinated by a Peter who could fly! When we got to the zoo they had a whole scene set up with a pirate boat and a pirate crew. Peter got kidnapped!!! Oh no!! Thankfully they were "Nice pirates" and let him go.
The zoo had a GREAT staff working. They were really nice and most of them were great with kids. They didn't come on too strong or too scary. When we first entered Peter was a little freaked out by all the spooky sounds and flickering pumpkins but once he learned he could get treats and that all the characters would give him high fives he calmed down and started smiling and having fun.
It was crazy crowded. We were packed like sardines and stuck in place being herded through the lines. That was the only downside. About halfway through we found some benches off to the side and decided to take a break from the craziness. Pregnant mommy had a bad back, daddy needed a break from the fog machines, and Peter just needed a little snack from his treat bucket.
Once we were on the road again we came across a Cow Hootenanny! They actually turned a section into a little barn and had a bunch of cows and cowboys dancing around. Peter stood around just watching for a minute or two then he started doing his own little hoedown. Super cute! He had the greatest time!
The highlight for him though had to be coming across all the superheroes! He found a super nice Super Girl who picked him up and taught him how to pose with his hand on his hip.
Then he ran into Spiderman, Iron Man, Batman, and a big Superman! He ran up to Superman yelling "MAN MAN!!! BIG man! Like Peter!" and he was jumping up and down his one hand in the air like he was trying to fly. Peter tried to have an entire conversation about being like Superman and flying. It was absolutely adorable!!! The whole walk to the car Peter talked about how he saw "Big Man" and he was "Little Man".
Peter had a lot of fun and it was actually a great experience despite the crowds. Probably one of the best put together Halloween things I've been to. Peter had a lot of fun and was completely fascinated by it all. He got a decent haul of candy plus coupons for free movies and pizza. And of course, every kid has to get a toothbrush on Halloween. :-)
We drove home under a full moon and Peter was just too excited to fall asleep in the car. He whined about wanting to get home and ended up clapping and squealing as we pulling into the driveway. It was a LONG bedtime and I don't think he fell asleep until after 10pm. We were all exhausted by then! I think its gonna be a long week with all the Halloween things we have planned! Oh well...its only for one week right?
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