We wore our bright red shirts and donated money to diabetes research.
We got some new hats. Peter got a free Team UPH hat, the group of physicians who delivered him. And Jen got a Red Strider hat to indicate that she is a walker with diabetes. We even met some other mommy friends with diabetes so we had some buddies to walk with.
Jen has had diabetes for nearly 10 years now. It's a big week in our home because my insulin pump is finally getting delivered!! It got pushed through insurance and payment plans and is finally on its way. I'm excited to try something new and see if it can control my blood sugars better.
Peter found some jumpy houses and of course had to give them a try!
He had a blast jumping around at 8am! Ahh, if only I had one of these in the backyard for him to burn off energy every day!
Peter also got a little diabetes bear. It kept him entertained as we waited for the walk to begin. It was a beautiful day for a walk, but it was already in the 80's by the time it began. I am so ready for fall weather to arrive!!!
The walk took place on a little walking path along the Rillito River wash. It's a nice little path with a little shade and away from the traffic.
We didn't make it the whole 5K. It was in the 90's and I just don't have the energy at 6 months pregnant! Plus, after Peter fell down and skinned his knee I decided to call it quits. But atleast we were there and showing our support. It was a fun morning out! And bonus: we got an extra long nap today!! That is always appreciated!
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