Apple Annie's also has a great pumpkin patch and was where we took Peter for his first Halloween. We decided to head back this year and try the corn maze was much more fun without trying to push a stroller through the corn field!
The corn was crazy tall! I'd say a good few feet over John and my head's. Peter just took off down the pathway ready to go through the corn.
At some point he decided it was a race and started running out in front of us all excited. It was cute and fun for a while until he disappeared down one of the many corners and we didn't know which one. John and I spent a good minute running through the field yelling his name with no response. Thankfully another group had found him and led us to him. After that we made sure we kept up with him!
There were periodically signs in the corn where you needed to read a clue and choose the correct answer to determine which direction to turn. Once Peter figured out that we were looking for signs he ran right up to them yelling "Sign Sign!"
Hey, look! "More sign, mom!"
It took awhile for Peter to realize that the stalks we were walking in were the same kind of corn he eats at home.
After about 20 minutes we were ready to get out of the corn. Mommy and Peter were starting to go around in circles so Daddy took over and helped lead us out by following the sounds of the crowd outside.
Peter got kinda frustrated and tired so he sat down in the field. He learned the word "Lost" for the first time.
"Peter lost, mommy!"
Finally, though we got out. It took us less than 30 minutes, the estimated time. But not much less. We were all happy to be out. Peter quickly found a corn "sandbox" to play in and he hopped right on it. What a fun idea!!
He laid down and would swim around in all the dent corn. It got all in his shoes and clothes.
He was having a great time though. Even days later he still talks about "swimming in corn".
Peter had a great time in all the corn! I took a few videos of it. I tried to edit them all together, but my software is giving me issues. Here's a few of the fun clips we got!
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