Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pumpkin Patch (Video)

Our favorite part of Apple Annie's is the pumpkin patch. They have beautiful pumpkins!

Upon arriving Peter climbed right up on the pumpkin display tower with a big smile across his face. He loves "Puh's" aka pumpkins.

He tried to pick them all up.

But he almost immediately gravitated to this little baby white pumpkin. If you look in the pictures of him in the corn maze he carried this pumpkin through the entire maze with him. He would not let it go.

After the corn maze and a little break we got on a hayride to be taken out to the pumpkin patch.

First we went past a sunflower field...bummer, sunflowers didn't turn out in the picture. Can you tell that Peter is practicing his "Superman" pose?

Finally we arrived at the pumpkin patch!

How exciting! Peter ran through the pumpkin patch. It was a little difficult because the vines are all over the place and the ground is uneven. He fell down a couple times but didn't seem to notice.

This one is "My puh! Peter puh, mom!"

After much searching Daddy got out the shears and cut a pumpkin off a vine for us. Peter wanted to try to carry it but it was too heavy for him.

It was a little easier for daddy. Now we just need to figure out what design to put on it!

We did also find another little white pumpkin for Peter so he ended up carrying that one back for us. That made him super happy. Our boy loves his white pumpkins! He just has to be different!

We got a little video of Peter on the hayride! He now knows what "hay" is too! He learned so much this trip! The best part of the whole trip though is that after getting home and getting a snack he ended up falling asleep for a nap around 3:30pm and slept straight through dinner, bathtime, bedtime and didn't wake up until 6am the next morning! Talk about wearing our boy out!

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