Thursday, September 2, 2010

Week 20 - It's a BOY!!! AGAIN!!!

We are 20 weeks pregnant with Baby #2 and have had a busy week. Our anatomy scan ultrasound was Wednesday morning. We all got into the car and headed to the doctor's office.

Baby is looking great on the scans. It's about 12 oz and 10-11 inches from head to toe. About the size of a full banana. It's senses are growing and it can now hear, taste, touch, etc.

The lady doing the ultrasound was super speedy and flew that wand over my belly so fast I had trouble keeping up with her...I think she was anxious to get to lunch since it was almost noon. :-) We did manage to get a few good pictures of baby though!

Baby wasn't as active as the past few times but it did manage to roll back and forth a few times. We got to see little feet, a nose, and we were even able to count the fingers on its hand.

And, of course we found out that IT'S A BOY!!!! We are having another little baby boy and couldn't be happier! Peter will have a little brother! It will be so fun to have our two little boys running around the house! John's just happy that his father's intuition was correct.

Baby left no room for error. Our little boy spread his legs wide so we could clearly see what was between them. Thanks baby! Now the debates can begin on names!

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