Saturday, September 4, 2010

Baby Fair 2010

We recently went to the 2010 Baby Fair that took place at the Tucson Convention Center. I figured since we have another one on the way maybe I should go and see what all the new gadgets are and what is out there. Plus they were supposed to have a jumping castle for Peter!

Peter loved the jumpy castle but his favorite thing of the day was the balloon artist who made him his very own Spiderman!!! Super cool, I had never seen that before! Peter hugged it for the entire day, even though it popped a bit in the process. He also got a free popsicle to eat while we went through the aisles and free sunglasses.

The rest of the event was a little crazy. It was so crowded and overwhelming. Peter actually willingly sat in his stroller eating his popsicle just so he wouldn't get trampled. And there was nothing that amazing to see. I was kinda disappointed. Gotta remember to avoid it next year. It did make me wonder if I need to get a double stroller though. Peter is rarely in a stroller anymore, we go weeks without ever getting it out. But I was sure grateful for it this time!

After all the chaos Peter was exhausted. He fell asleep in the car clutching his Chewy's, his Spiderman balloon and wearing his "new glasses".

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