Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week 22

Just getting ready to go into Week 22 of growing Baby #2.

I'm still not feeling baby much. Ultrasound says that the placenta is attached to my belly wall so there is a big ol' pillow blocking me from feeling him. Boo!!! Hopefully though when kicks and punches get harder I'll feel more.

I'm still working on getting an insulin pump. There are a lot of hoops to jump through. Hopefully I will know by the end of the month.

It's been a hard couple of appointments lately because I have had to go on days when John works and had to take Peter with me. THAT is a new experience. Trying to keep my blood pressure down while he is running away down the hallway is a definite challenge. I took a portable DVD player the past 2 times and he got to watch some Goofy and Elmo while I talked to the Dr. He has learned that the hospital is kinda fun though because there are elevators and he makes lots of friends.

I definitely can tell there is a big growth in my tummy. This week I started having trouble bending over and getting out of bed. I'm laying down for naptime when Peter manages to take one. We now have several books about "new babies" that we read to him and I think he is starting to understand what babies mean.

The memories of this are starting to come back. It's a familiar experience, but also different. I wonder what this new baby will be like. Will he be like Peter? Will he have dark hair and dark eyes like John? Will he be another "easy baby"? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!

On the plus side, it is going a lot faster this time. We are already over halfway there and I KNOW the holiday season will fly by! I'm already trying to figure out what to be for Halloween!

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