Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Swim

Hope everyone had a great Labor Day! John was able to switch with a co-worker and get the day off so we had a fun family day. In the morning we headed to the zoo. Peter had a great time running from exhibit to exhibit. We only stayed a little over an hour because it was starting to get hot, but I am glad we were able to go out for a little bit.

Even though it is still in the hundreds I keep reminding myself that it won't be that way forever. I've been trying squeeze in a few more visits to the pool while I still can.

Peter is an absolute fish. Stick him in his inner tube and he will swim around the entire area of the pool. He will wake up at 6:30am and by 6:35am be bringing me his swimsuit and asking to go to the pool.

He has a mighty kick on him. He will just fly from one side of the pool to the other.

And the entire time he just has a huge grin on his face! I took so many great pictures it was hard to narrow it down to what ones to post to the blog. I had decided to take the risk of taking my digital camera into the pool. I'm so glad I did, its one of the only ways to capture such a great experience!

After about 5 minutes of swimming Peter remembers that he can go "Down!" and jump into the pool. (Oh, sidenote: These are his favorite swim trunks, they are Spiderman. I think he'd wear them everyday if I let him.)

Peter has developed a habit of standing on the depth markers to jump. He'll run to stand on one then (hopefully) make sure we are paying attention and go "Two-tree!" so we start counting "ONE TWO THREE!!!!" For some reason he always leaves out the one.

Then he will clench up his fists, get a big smile on his face and JUMP!

He likes jumping to mom or dad. He now likes to go under the water then we grab him up and out. Almost immediately upon coming out of the water he'll scream "Again!" or "More down!"

John got tired of getting splashed in the face all the time so started trying to duck from the water.

Peter is so brave though! I can't believe my two year old just takes a flying leap into a big pool of water. John was just off camera and swooped in for this jump, but just the fact that Peter was willing to jump such a huge distance without daddy right there says a lot about the kid. He is one amazing kiddo!

After about 30-40 jumps Peter got back in the pool for some relaxation. He is learning to float in his tube.

After a long time though we look at Peter's hands and if they are wrinkly it is time to go inside and take a bath to get all the chlorine off. This rarely makes Peter happy, he always gets kinda sad when we have to say goodbye to the pool.

After bathtime Peter must have been completely worn out. He crashed out on a blanket in the middle of the living room and slept for almost 2 hours in just his froggy towel.

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