Friday, August 27, 2010

August with the Palmer Family

We have been having a busy month!

Jen & Peter went to Iowa in late July/ early August and spent nearly 2 weeks with Jen's Iowa family. Peter had a great time getting to know his extended family, grantparents, and aunt and uncle. He learned lots of words while we were there. His favorites were "khaki's" and "Hawk". Thanks to soon-to-be Uncle Drew Peter now wants to wear khaki's every day. And he loves to wear his "hawk shirt" even though when he met Herky the Hawkeye he flipped out screaming and crying. He talked for days about the "scary ducky"...heck he still talks about it!

We took lots of pictures and I will work on them when I can. Most of them were posted to my facebook so you can always check them out there.=

Jen is almost 20 weeks pregnant, halfway done. This past week I started the process towards getting an insulin pump. I got installed with a continuous glucose monitor. It takes my blood sugar reading every 5 minutes for an entire week. I am hopeful that it will turn out well so I can avoid the 4-5 shots of insulin a day. It's weird to have a little machine stuck in my stomach though!

Jen & John are looking forward to our ultrasound next week. We are getting the full anatomy scan to see how baby is doing and to hopefully find out the gender. Lots of anticipation for that!!

We joined the Tucson Children's Museum. They had a special rate for the rest of the year that equaled the cost of one admission. So I gave in and we now have somewhere indoors to go on hot or rainy days. I don't think its that great of a museum but Peter has spent hours at a time there just fascinated!

We have been working on potty training more since we got home. For a while he just wanted to be naked at home but wound up peeing on the floor a lot. New rule is he must have a diaper or underwear at all times. He has been choosing underwear more and more. In fact, we spent the whole morning this week at the kids museum and he made it there and back without any accidents! Of course there were accidents the next day, but I am happy to see progress.

Monster truck are the latest obsession in our home. Its the first thing Peter thinks of in the morning and the last thing he thinks of at night. Literally! He will wake up and run to the tv yelling "Truck tv!" And the other night after I lay him down in bed and turned off the lights, just as he started to doze off he shot up in bed yelling "Owwie truck!" They must have invaded his dreams now.

I will try to get some new pics up soon, but wanted to update you a little while I was thinking about it. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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