Saturday, January 2, 2010

Tucson Symphony Orchestra

This morning Jen and Peter went to a concert by the Tucson Symphony Orchestra. They have a small kids program for free a few times a year. This month they were performing Peter and the Wolf. How could we miss that one?!?

As part of the theme they invited kids to bring their stuffed animals or come dressed up as one. We decided to dress Peter in his lion outfit! We took a few pictures this morning as we got ready to go to the concert.

They didn't allow pictures during the performance, but I snuck this one in beforehand. They had a wind quintet playing and we got to sit on the floor in front. Everyone loved Peter's outfit and liked smiling and pointing at him across the room. Peter was so cute clapping after every song. I bounced him in my lap for the fast songs. He got a little restless about halfway through, but I dug out some raisins and that calmed him down. It was only about 45 minutes long, but I was impressed that Peter did so well! My boy is getting some culture!

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