Sunday, January 10, 2010

Iowa Xmas Presents

Our Iowa family all gathered together the day after Xmas for our family gift exchange and yummy turkey dinner.

There were so many people, I don't know how we all fit into one room! Especially with all the presents!

John was excited that he had his own stocking from Santa. He didn't remember ever having one before!

Peter was showered in Elmo books, toys, and dvds. This one came with a sounds book and an Elmo doll. He has been taking Elmo to bed with him a lot since we got home.

Oma gave Peter a magnetic drawing board for the plane ride home. It helped a little.

When we started Peter was pretty careful with the paper, but he was getting the idea. He liked to open present after present. I think he forgot to look at what was inside.

After seeing all his daredevil tricks with his bike on the blog he was given a crash helmet and elbow pads. He was going cross-eyed trying to look at it on his head.

And he got lots of snow toys for his inaugural snow days. We had fun playing with them in the snow. We can't use them in Tucson but we left them at Great-Grandma's house so we have them every winter!

Of course, we got the annual hawkeye outfits. John and I got matching shirts and Peter got an entire outfit!

John and Jen's big gifts were new eyeglasses. My uncle Dr. Brian fit us in for eye exams and my parents bought us new glasses. Turns out I just crossed over to needing glasses when I drive. Ahh, the aging process is catching up with me! We are still waiting for the glasses to be delivered but my family thought it was funny to give us empty cases in anticipation!

Aunt Angel made everyone yummy smelling candles. Peter even got one in a duck shape. She is so crafty!

Peter quickly started to learn how to RIP paper off those presents to get to the good stuff! Paper went flying. John got put on paper patrol, he was like an army commando trying to get all the discarded wrapping into the trash bag.

So many presents, so many pictures, so many MISSED pictures. I don't have pictures of all the great presents that we got but we had so much fun celebrating with our family. We couldn't fit everything in our suitcases and had to ship an extra two boxes home! Thank you everyone for such a great Christmas, the best part was getting to share it with people we love!

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