Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pima Air & Space Museum

Today we headed out to the Pima Air & Space Museum. We have wanted to go for a while and figured that with our upcoming trip next week it would be a nice time for us to go show Peter some more planes. John was really excited to see all the historic planes they had there.

They have about 5 hangers filled with planes. One area had a bunch of things Peter could climb in and play with switches and dials. He even got to go up into a control tower.

This museum is actually one of the biggest plane museums in the country and is recognized as part of the Smithsonian for their large collection. It spans out over acres and acres. They have wagons available to take the kids out onto the grounds.

Peter loved riding in the wagon. He spent more time watching the wagon wheels than the planes a lot of the time. He liked to pick up rocks and put them in the wagon's trunk.

Daddy had a great time pulling Peter around. It was a little chilly for Tucson, in the mid-50's. Thankfully the sun was out and shining bright!

Peter loved looking for just the right rocks to put in his wagon. While mom and dad were looking at planes he was looking for the perfect rock.

Peter did end up finding a favorite plane. He liked the one that looked like a "shark". It is a F-14A "Tomcat" Fighter.

Peter went to his wagon to get his favorite rocks and offered them up to the shark to eat. I guess he thought he looked hungry. We spent about 15 minutes hanging out at this plane.

John even helped Peter to ride on the shark's nose. We tried to leave this plane probably 4 times but Peter kept running back to it over and over again. Finally John had to throw him over his shoulder and haul him away as he waved bye to the plane.

As we left we went through the gift shop and bought Peter a toy plane to take on our trip. It has little balls in it and when you push it they all pop inside. As we were leaving he liked to make it vroom down the sidewalk.

We had such a fun day at the plane museum! Opa Jim (our history buff) we are taking you there the next time you come to visit!

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