Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Pantry

Peter has figured out how to get in our big pantry. I suppose I could get a child safety lock on it, but most of the things he can reach are pretty safe so I don't usually worry about it much. It has created a few funny moments though.

One shelf has a stockpile of baking supplies. This week while I was putting away laundry Peter walked up to me carrying a bag of powdered sugar. He looked up at me with the most innocent look on his face and said "Snow?" I melted. My sweet boy thought this big bag of powder was snow. I love that he remembers snow. "Yes, Peter. That looks like snow."

We have also found a new snack option. There is one type of fruit snack that Peter can eat and this week they had a super sale and I stocked up on a few boxes for $0.50! Peter can't get enough of them. If I let him he would eat only fruit snacks all day long. Well tonight Peter went to the pantry, grabbed an unopened box, brought it to me then started knocking on the box.

This is his new thing. He likes to knock on things. He knocks on the door to go outside, he knocks on the car to get inside, he knocks on just about anything he wants to open. If I don't open it he starts yelling "Knock....Knock!!!"

So now he is doing that with his fruit snack. And of course, being the softy that I am I gave him a fruit snack. The rest of the night Peter followed me around carrying the fruit snack box and knocking on it. When I finally took the box away and put it on the top shelf of the pantry he just knocked on the pantry door.

"Mama, knock?"

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