Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Get Your Hat"

This week has still been cold and rainy. I've been scraping ice from my windows in the mornings as we search for more indoor activities to stay busy. Peter is learning lots of words lately. He knows "coat", "zip", and "ice". He has known hat for a long time. One morning as we were getting ready I asked him to get his hat from his room and this is what he came back with...

Peter found a witch's hat from his dress up stuff! Silly Peter! Not that hat! Try again.

There, that's a little better. Peter, where is your hat???

The Pantry

Peter has figured out how to get in our big pantry. I suppose I could get a child safety lock on it, but most of the things he can reach are pretty safe so I don't usually worry about it much. It has created a few funny moments though.

One shelf has a stockpile of baking supplies. This week while I was putting away laundry Peter walked up to me carrying a bag of powdered sugar. He looked up at me with the most innocent look on his face and said "Snow?" I melted. My sweet boy thought this big bag of powder was snow. I love that he remembers snow. "Yes, Peter. That looks like snow."

We have also found a new snack option. There is one type of fruit snack that Peter can eat and this week they had a super sale and I stocked up on a few boxes for $0.50! Peter can't get enough of them. If I let him he would eat only fruit snacks all day long. Well tonight Peter went to the pantry, grabbed an unopened box, brought it to me then started knocking on the box.

This is his new thing. He likes to knock on things. He knocks on the door to go outside, he knocks on the car to get inside, he knocks on just about anything he wants to open. If I don't open it he starts yelling "Knock....Knock!!!"

So now he is doing that with his fruit snack. And of course, being the softy that I am I gave him a fruit snack. The rest of the night Peter followed me around carrying the fruit snack box and knocking on it. When I finally took the box away and put it on the top shelf of the pantry he just knocked on the pantry door.

"Mama, knock?"

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tucson Children's Museum

It has been a horrible week weather-wise in Tucson. The temperature has been steadily dropping, rain has been flooding the streets, and the wind has been whipping around like crazy. We have had everything from Frost Warnings and Blizzard Conditions to Flash Flood Warnings and Tornado Watches. We have been trying to stay bundled up every time we leave the house.

Obviously a week like this means that the outdoor activities and park dates are all canceled. What's a mommy to do?!?!? Well one day this week we decided to go to the Tucson Children's Museum. Funnily enough, about 20 other mom's we know were there with their kids so Peter had some friends to play with.

Peter loved to "battle" with his older friend Elliot trying to get all the push pins to be pushed in. Any time you pushed them in they popped out the other side so they had a great time laughing and pushing them back and forth.

We also did a little shopping in the grocery store. Peter likes to get the corn to eat.

For some reason Peter has been obsessed with his winter boots from Iowa this past week. Since it was super wet and muddy this day I decided to just let him wear his boots to the museum. He's so funny in them. They are big and bulky and about a size too big so when he runs he stumbles and falls down a lot. I had to keep reminding him to slow down.

Peter's favorite room is the train room. It has a play train to climb through, a train that goes around the top of the room, and a play train set. He will stay stuck to the train set for hours if I let him.

The underwater part is fun too. John and Peter liked to play with the buttons in the submarine.

Peter is still somewhat apprehensive of the dinosaurs. They have several that are "life sized". Some visits he goes right up to them (like this picture from earlier this month) but other times he turns and runs the other way. It is fun to ask Peter "What does a dinosaur say??" He will look at you, take a deep breath, and let out a big "RRRRRROOOOARRRRRRR!!!!!"

After several boring days stuck inside at home it was really nice to get out. We were sad when the alarm on my phone went off to say that our parking meter was about to expire. Peter didn't want to leave yet.

He had such a great time playing with his friends at the museum!

Pima Air & Space Museum

Today we headed out to the Pima Air & Space Museum. We have wanted to go for a while and figured that with our upcoming trip next week it would be a nice time for us to go show Peter some more planes. John was really excited to see all the historic planes they had there.

They have about 5 hangers filled with planes. One area had a bunch of things Peter could climb in and play with switches and dials. He even got to go up into a control tower.

This museum is actually one of the biggest plane museums in the country and is recognized as part of the Smithsonian for their large collection. It spans out over acres and acres. They have wagons available to take the kids out onto the grounds.

Peter loved riding in the wagon. He spent more time watching the wagon wheels than the planes a lot of the time. He liked to pick up rocks and put them in the wagon's trunk.

Daddy had a great time pulling Peter around. It was a little chilly for Tucson, in the mid-50's. Thankfully the sun was out and shining bright!

Peter loved looking for just the right rocks to put in his wagon. While mom and dad were looking at planes he was looking for the perfect rock.

Peter did end up finding a favorite plane. He liked the one that looked like a "shark". It is a F-14A "Tomcat" Fighter.

Peter went to his wagon to get his favorite rocks and offered them up to the shark to eat. I guess he thought he looked hungry. We spent about 15 minutes hanging out at this plane.

John even helped Peter to ride on the shark's nose. We tried to leave this plane probably 4 times but Peter kept running back to it over and over again. Finally John had to throw him over his shoulder and haul him away as he waved bye to the plane.

As we left we went through the gift shop and bought Peter a toy plane to take on our trip. It has little balls in it and when you push it they all pop inside. As we were leaving he liked to make it vroom down the sidewalk.

We had such a fun day at the plane museum! Opa Jim (our history buff) we are taking you there the next time you come to visit!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Family Portrait Time

While in Iowa over Xmas we got some family photos taken. There were TONS, but these were some of our favorites.

John and Jen, the happy couple!

Us with Oma, Opa, Aunt Angel & Drew

Peter being kooky with dad's hat.

Still looks like the Gerber baby!

Father & Son

Mother & Son

Peter LOVED to play on this bench. He would have climbed on it all afternoon.

Peter crashed Aunt Angel and Drew's photo shoot, so they crushed him.

Peter trying to dig a raisin out of his teeth.

Our happy family!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Going to Guam!!

It's official! The Palmer family is going to visit Guam!

John went into work one day last week and the vacation computer system that hasn't been working for months was fixed. He logged in and noticed he has over 2 weeks of vacation time saved up that he MUST use before March. So he looked at the calendar and got approved for 2 straight weeks off at the beginning of February.

He came home that night and woke me up at 2am to tell me the exciting news. We started throwing around ideas of what to do with this huge chunk of time. It finally dawned on us that this was the first time that we had off together in years. We haven't had this kind of time in the decade since leaving Guam and we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to go back to visit John's family there and to show Peter where his daddy grew up.

We called John's parents and they were all in and got the ball rolling for us. We now have tickets in hand, a pet-sitter arranged, and I'm busy digging out the shorts and tank tops.

We are SO excited! Guam is John's home and where we first met and fell in love. We can't wait to visit and play tourist this time. It's less than 3 weeks away!!! We are dreaming of island food, beaches, showing Peter the ocean, and relaxing for a few weeks. We can't wait!!!

John and I in Guam ten years ago.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Javelina Showdown

My heart is still racing after taking Gizmo (our pug dog) on his nightly walk. It started out fine. I put him on his leash and we headed out the door towards the apartment gate. We usually walk around the perimeter of the parking lot out to the mailboxes, I check the mail, then we head back home.

Tonight as I exited into the parking lot and closed the gate I saw something moving in the corner about 8 feet away. It was a family of three javelina's, Arizona's version of a wild boar! They were moving towards me and Gizmo!!!

I freaked out! I pulled so hard on Gizmo's leash so he came between my legs and I plastered myself against the gate door searching for my keys. Someone was coming up the walkway and I yelled for them to open the door QUICK! FAST FAST FAST!!!! They opened it looking at me like I was crazy, but I just rushed us both in and slammed the door behind me.

At that point I told them what was going on and we peeked through the gate to watch the knee-high pigs hang out...they were watching us too. I have had friends dogs get hurt or killed by javelina's so I am very thankful that I saw them when I did and we got to a safe place.

The helpful neighbors decided to exit out of another gate because the javelina's were barricading ours. I decided that it wasn't so important to check the mail tonight and just took Gizmo safely home. Now to watch tv and try to calm down a little!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Peter's Firetruck

One of Peter's favorite toys is a big firetruck he got from Aunt Angel.

It has buttons that make the sirens go.

She even completed the gift with a fireman's hat!

The ladder even goes up and down. When we got home we dug out the smaller fire truck we had and have been using them to teach Peter the difference between "big" and "small".

He spent the rest of Xmas pushing his firetruck around Aunt Kim's house.

We also got some pictures done while in Iowa. Decided to use the firetruck as a prop.


Peter liked to straddle his firetruck and sit on it. It's almost the right size.

He LOVES his firetruck.

Thank you Aunt Angel!

Animal Friends

One of our Xmas presents was a renewal membership to Reid Park Zoo. We love having a membership there. It's a nice little family outing and with a membership it costs us nothing for a fun day out surrounded by animals and green plants.

When we got back in town from Iowa we went to the zoo with some of our friends. It's gorgeous weather here right now. Sunny and in the mid-70's. Perfect zoo and picnic weather! The tiger seemed to like it too. He was pacing back and forth in front of the window showing off. Peter got up close and personal!

He also got a close encounter with a monkey who was sitting up next to the glass. Peter was glued to this monkey for probably 10 minutes tapping on the glass and trying to press his face against it to see closer.

They had a bunch of animals out to pet. There were armadillos, lizards, snakes, and even a hedgehog. Peter didn't care though. He wanted to keep watching the monkey.

Peter and his friend Lillian liked to pet the elephant statue in front of the elephant exhibit.

They also liked to watch the giraffes. They are such cute kids!

One of Peter's favorite parts has always been the pond. They have flamingos, ducks and koi fish. We feed the ducks for a little bit and laugh as they fight over the food. Then we go around the corner and there's a frog statue. It has a button on it that shoots water from his mouth when you push it.

Peter pushed the button all by himself!! Usually mom has to, but this time he did it! He is getting to be such a big boy!