Sunday, December 6, 2009

Zoo Lights

Grandma Deanna came down this week and she stayed late to join us in going to the big christmas event at the zoo. We are members of the Tucson Zoo and they had a special night open to zoo members for free so we got all bundled up and headed down to the zoo.

The animals were all asleep for the night so we couldn't see them, but the entire zoo was covered with huge light displays. It was beautiful!

We went through light tunnels, looked at pretty lights on trees, and visited a few cut-out animals.

They gave out free cookies and hot chocolate. Boy, was that hot chocolate good! Sure warmed me up! I was bummed I had nothing warm to give to Peter. Maybe I'll get a thermos of cider for next time.

A few places around the zoo they had music set up. There was a steel drum band, a strings ensemble, and a little boys choir. Santa was there but the line was super long so we passed it by. It was a beautiful evening. What a fun family event! We might have to try and go again!

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