Thursday, December 10, 2009

Evening in Phoenix

As John was getting ready for work this past week he went to check his schedule and found out he wasn't working that day! All of a sudden our plans for the afternoon changed. John wanted to go visit his parents who were still staying in Phoenix so even though it was late afternoon we packed up the car and headed up for a quick visit.

The car ride wasn't much fun. Peter had JUST woken up from his nap when we put him into his car seat for the 2 hour drive. Ugh! That is the LAST thing he wanted when just waking up. We ended up stopping to let him play at a McDonald's half way there. It helped. But he was definitely happy when we got to Great-grandparent's house. He was so excited to see family, get a chance to play, and to find their tree of balls again.

Great-grandma Eva showed Peter how to peel a tangerine and gave him a taste of them. He LOVED them. He kept bringing her more and more tangerines to open.

Peter was in a super happy and playful mood. He enjoyed playing with Grandma & Grandpa Palmer. He kept saying "papa" to grandpa and bringing him things. Grandpa helped him put his socks back on when they were falling off.

Grandpa even got down on the floor and chased Peter around. Peter had lots of fun trying to run away from him. There were lots of big squeals of laughter!

I am so glad that Peter is getting to know his Guam grandparents. They don't get in the area very often so its wonderful to see Peter connect with them. We were only able to be there for about 2 hours but it was worth it for John to see his family and for Peter to feel at home there. As we were getting ready to leave he went around to everyone and gave them big hugs. My little boy is so sweet!

One of my goals over this visit was to get a picture of us all together. I got it! Peter was fascinated by the toy commercial on tv so he isn't looking, but oh well!

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