Thursday, December 17, 2009

Daredevil in Training (video)

Peter got an early Christmas gift from our friends at the 7/11 near our house. They have a little girl maybe 9 months older than Peter and she had outgrown her electric quad 4x4 so they offered it to us for free. Since we figure free is the perfect price we gladly accepted!

It's pink and purple but Peter doesn't seem to mind that. Daddy says maybe we will take some paint to it and style it up a bit. At first Peter was a little scared of it. It has an electric foot pedal and when you put your foot on the gas it goes forward or backwards. It can be a little scary to ride on something that can move itself!

This week though Peter conquered his fear and found out how much fun it was!

He even started to try and do some daredevil stunts! He wanted to stand on the seat, but it was hard because he still had to keep a foot on the gas pedal to keep it moving. John says we are going to have a little stunt rider. Oh no!!!

Peter liked to hop on his new jeep, wave goodbye to us, then go driving away. He got his first taste of life on the open road...enclosed in the safety of the tennis court.

I had lots of fun taking video of Peter on his bike. This is his introduction. He loves to clap when he is having lots of fun!

In this video he figures out how to work the switch to go forwards or backwards. He's so smart!

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