Friday, January 23, 2009

R.I.P. Kodak EasyShare

I am in mourning.

This afternoon, I opened my diaper bag to discover that a major injustice had befallen my beloved camera. The LCD screen on the back had been cracked and the pixels were all shattered into a mighty mess of black and white streaks.

I think it was a victim of our playdate this morning. I suspect that it was a toddler hit-and-run. At one point I found one of the little kids running over my diaper bag with the camera inside it. I thought nothing much of it until I saw the damage that had been done. :(

It still *kinda* works in that I can guesstimate what's in the picture frame, but I will need to get a new camera. And looking online it looks like I can get a better camera now for less than I paid for this one. Do you suppose I can pass it off as a Valentine's present? Does anyone have any recommendations for cameras?

Oh, beloved Kodak camera, we will miss you. You were with us throughout our pregnancy and the first 10 months of Peter's life. You have preserved thousands of happy moments for us and we will never forget you!!! Rest in pieces!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My tears are real. I need pictures to survive! Please replace that camera as soon as you can.