Tuesday, January 20, 2009

10 Good News Items

It's a day of good news!

#1 We have a new President!!! (Had to put it, that's the best news of all!)

#2 Johnny is back starting classes at Pima Community College and has the same instructor as last semester. Glad he knows this guy and what is expected of him.

#3 We got John's car back after work and its running!!! FINALLY!!! It's been a big saga with that sucker. First the window, then the battery and alternator, lastly the timing chain...and to top it all off the timing chain kinda shattered and damaged a few other parts in the process...ARGH! BUT after making a huge dent in our pocketbook it is running again like a champ. John is SOOOOO happy to finally have his car (and freedom) back.

#4 This week we only spent about $50 on groceries! AWESOME! And our freezer and cupboards are packed with stuff, too. Ten dollars was purely on a variety of baby foods to try. Tonight it was Chicken Noodle dinner mixed with cereal. Yumm!

#5 I applied and got approved for a discount on our phone. Saves us about $120 a year. Woohoo!! I'm still waiting to hear about a power discount I applied for.

#6 I got my W-2 and found a place that will help me do our taxes for free this year through the library. I'm anxiously awaiting John's W-2. We had alot going on this year. With the addition of baby, our deductible medical and education bills, and some donations we made to clear out the house I am really hoping for a decent refund this year. That would be so nice.

#7 Our dog seems to be feeling much better and is happier after his visit to the vet a few weeks ago.

#8 The paperwork for our stroller is off and on its way to get reimbursed after getting lost in the airport over Xmas. They still say they have 30 days, but that time is almost up. I'll be happy to get my big comfy stroller back.

#9 There's a new American Idol on tonight!!! I love that show!!! I watched it when I was in the hospital having Peter last spring. Every other channel kinda sucked and it was comforting to have something "from home" there to distract me. I'm excited for the new season!

#10 By the time I finished typing this blog baby was asleep in bed. It was actually kinda a rough night just because some dummy was running a trucksize generator outside the bedroom windows. You can't really hear it out front but when I went to put baby down to sleep the whole room was shaking and it sounded like a chainsaw. Bedtime got pushed to about an hour later than normal as we waited for them to shut down. (I just hope that's it for tonight.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life is good, life is good.