Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day 2009

It's Inauguration Day! There is a new President in the White House and excitement is in the air! I am still in awe and disbelief that it has finally come to pass. I'm hoping that this new presidency can inspire hope and brotherhood to our nation.

I think its so amazing that such a momentous event occurred during Peter's first year on this planet. I believe its just a sign of many great things that will happen during his lifetime.

We went to baby gym class today and I dressed Peter in his new "My Momma's for Obama" t-shirt. We recorded the events on our tivo. I can't wait to watch. I loved going to whitehouse.gov and seeing a new face greeting me.

Cheers to everyone on our new president, here's to believing his administration can live up to our hopes. Proud to be an American today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a new time of hope. I truly hope that the USA can turn around the downward spiral. Obama has a tremendous job ahead of him. Good luck to him!