Sunday, January 4, 2009

Move on down the road... (video)

Tonight while Peter was crawling around the floor like a maniac he wandered over by his walking toy that we got him for Xmas, pulled himself up, and started pushing it and hobbling across the floor!! Out of the blue...he'd never done it before...he just figured it out all by himself!

Over Xmas my sister started to teach him how to walk holding onto her hands and he's done that easier and easier once we got home.

I was able to get some video, it's dark, but I figure it will do the job for now. Just wanted to share it.

I am so proud of him!!! My little boy!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This video makes me cry. He's growing up so fast. I can't believe how he is moving around and controling his body so well. He's amazing!