Thursday, December 31, 2009

Peter, the Snowman

Over Christmas all three of us whisked away on a plane and flew back to celebrate the holidays with my Iowa family for a few days. It was a struggle to cram everything into just a few days, but such a blessing to see everyone and be surrounded by family. We took so many pictures! I hope to get a bunch up in the next week or two. Peter loved spending time with a bunch of little cousins and getting to know his grandparents and Aunt Angel more.

Peter also learned the true meaning of "nohw" aka snow. It seemed like it was snowing the entire time we were there. Probably over 6 inches I imagine. Oma Cindy & Opa Jim bought Peter a ski jacket, snowpants, and boots. The Kieffer family (cousins) gave Peter some snow toys for Christmas, so the next day we got all bundled up and went outside to play in it!

Putting Peter to work shoveling the driveway. Drew helped teach Peter how to shovel but it didn't last long.

One of the toys Peter got was a snowball maker. John made Peter a few snowballs, but I think Peter was too frozen to figure them out.

Jen & Peter standing in the snow. We were in Grandma's front yard and there was a big pile of snow left from the street plow.

Oma Cindy with Peter.

Peter loved to get perched on the pile of snow left by the snow plow. He kept saying "up, up" so I would put him back there to sit in the snow. He was probably 3 feet higher and had a good view of everything going on.

Great-Grandma Langmann let us use her sleds so Peter got a few rides up and down the street.

John and Jen in the snow. John is kinda smirking because I'm standing in a hole so he is taller for once.

Poor Peter could hardly move he had so much on! But he stayed warm!

Opa, Oma, and Peter in the snow.

John, Jen, & Peter all bundled up.

Oma gave Peter her gloves to try to keep his fingers warm. He ended up licking the snow of the gloves. I think he liked it!

Aunt Angel pulling Peter on the sled.

Peter loved sledding! He almost fell off a time or two on the initial jerk to start going, but after that he liked sliding across the snow.

Peter getting a little tired of the snow.

Aunt Angel's dog loved the snow. He and Peter loved playing together.

Flashback: Grandpa Palmer

Noticed I forgot to post a few great pictures of our visit with Grandpa Palmer a few weeks ago so thought I'd throw them up quick. Grandma P. took them. Peter had so much fun playing with his grandparents up in Phoenix.

Grandpa P even went down the big carnival slide with Peter, that was lots of fun!

But most importantly he introduced Peter to a lot of trains. Peter is now a train addict. He goes around calling out "choo-choo" every time he sees one. He is glued to his Thomas the Train books. Over Christmas my Aunt Kim's family set up a train around their tree and Peter was obsessed with it the entire night. Grandpa certainly did his job!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Train Park

This weekend we went up to Phoenix for another visit with Peter's grandparents. They will be leaving to head back to Guam this week and we wanted to try to sneak in one last visit before they left. It was beautiful weather out so we all headed over to the McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park.

This park has everything you could possibly imagine railroad related. They have tiny model railroads, several different trains to ride, and even full size trains to tour. Peter found a cut out train to peek out as us through.

He also found a cutout penguin. It was just his size. I think Peter makes a great penguin!

First we rode a carousel. Peter is still a little freaked out by the horses and doesn't like to ride on them much.

Instead he sat with Grandma Deanna on a bench while John rode a horse.

We rode the carousel twice and Peter loved going around and trying to find Grandpa at the side of the ride. "Where is he, Peter?? Where's Grandpa??? THERE HE IS!!!!" Then lots of waving and waving until we circle the bend and he was gone again.

We had to stand behind a railing to wait for the train ride to come around again. Peter liked to look through the bars as the train pulled into the station getting ready to pick us up.

They had a really nice little train ride! We went all over the park grounds. It may be the week before Xmas but we had beautiful weather and were perfectly comfy in our t-shirts. The train went a good clip and gave us a gentle breeze. It was a great ride!

At first Peter was a little unsure about what to think of riding in a big train like this.

But Grandma & Grandpa were riding along with us and cheering him on. (Sidenote: I think this is the first picture I have taken of them in the same place at the same time in 10 years! AWESOME!)

He quickly had a great time laughing and waving at the people we passed.

Next we found a smaller train that was just Peter's size. The Palmer men rode this one together.

Grandpa Marvin got the duty of holding onto Peter so he didn't try to jump out along the way. I hear that they saw some bunny rabbits along the trail. Good thing grandpa held on tight, I bet Peter would have chased them down!

Peter had a great time at the train park! He was so fascinated by everything going on there. It was one of the neatest parks we've ever been too. This was a special Xmas memory with the Palmer family. We are so grateful they shared it with us!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Toys 4 Tots

Today we started a new tradition. I am pledging that every year we will always try to duplicate a few of Peter's presents as a donation for Toys 4 Tots. In the past I've never really been in a position to donate much, but with all my couponing and saving this year we are easily able to give back a little. We set out to Walgreens tonight with our bag of toys to donate.

One of Peter's new toys is a Mr. Potato Head Santa. I found a great deal on these this year and bought two extra to give away.

Peter enjoyed putting the toys in the box. I hope they make another little boy or girl out there happy!

Walgreens was also having a sale on Matchbox cars while we were there. We got 10 new cars for Peter and an identical 10 cars to give to another little boy.

Peter stretched to put all 10 of the cars in the donation box. He was so happy when he got them all in the box that he started clapping his hands and jumping up and down. I've got such a sweet boy!

Please remember to put a little something in the toy box at a store near you! It really doesn't take very much, a few dollar toys could make some kid very happy this Christmas!

Baking Xmas Cookies

We have been enjoying the new Kitchen Aid mixer that Grandma Deanna bought us for Xmas. I have named our mixer Clyde and he has been helping us make cookies and mashed potatoes. This week we made some cookies for the cookie exchange in our mommy group. .

We made two kinds of cookies. The first batch was a Peter-friendly gingerbread cookie.

Peter loved watching the mixer spin around and around. Mommy kept her finger right on the button to turn it off, but Peter was a good boy and just watched it spin.

I let Peter dump in a few cups of flour for me. He loved digging for flour in the bag and then dumping it into the bowl. He did manage to spill a lot in the process.

That was ok though because it just gave him something new to explore.

The second batch of cookies I made was Norwegian almond cookies using a cookie press. The cookie press that I have I inherited when my Great-Grandmother Hazel passed away. I also got her cookie cutters. I never made cookies with her that I remember, but the patterns and the equipment is exactly like my mother had growing up and my grandmother makes the same shapes every year. I feel blessed that I am able to continue the tradition in my family.

Peter does not want to wait around for cookies any more. I get so upset with him when he hangs on the oven! So much yelling when he does this because he can get it open if he wants to. He now knows that I keep the finished cookies on top of the fridge and will now go run over and throw is whole body at the fridge whining for a cookie. He only gets 1-2 a day so these whining sessions are hard!

Peter got so messy helping me bake cookies, but that is half the fun of baking as a kid. Nothing a little water won't fix! And the yummy cookies were SO worth it!!!

John's Triple Bypass

Yesterday John had an emergency triple the Heart Attack Grill! We saw this restaurant on CBS Sunday Morning about a year ago and since it it up in Phoenix John has wanted to visit it ever since. Saturday we headed up to Phoenix to see the Palmer family and I thought it would be a great time to treat John to lunch there as an early Christmas present.

The Heart Attack Grill is not shy about how bad it is for you. There is nothing healthy for you inside the doors. They are a strictly burger and fries place and even only sell full sugar soda. They even refuse to put lettuce on their burgers, the only green there is a few pickles.

When you get inside they put everybody in hospital gowns.

And they give you wristbands that say if you are having a single, double, triple, or quadruple bypass.

Peter didn't get a burger but our kind nurse still gave him a wristband too.

We started out with all-you-can-eat french fries. Since they were fried in 100% lard Peter could actually eat them without worrying about soy! Yay for french fries!!

John took the plunge and ordered the triple bypass. Three half pound patties smothered in greasy cheese. It was almost as big as his head!

Somehow he was able to pick it up and take a bite. I have no clue how he managed to open his mouth that big! He was coo-coo!

Jen only tried a double bypass burger. Yum-yum! The burgers were REALLY good.

While we ate Peter found his way to a wheel chair with his rice cake. They keep a wheelchair in the corner "just in case" someone needs it after eating this greasy meal.

Our burgers won the battle, we only made it through about half of our burger before surrendering. Our nurse gave my boys a full examination before allowing us to leave.

On the way to the car John took a rest on the emergency ambulance they have waiting outside.

It was a fun experience and we are so glad we finally got to visit.

Peter loved hanging out by the ambulance. He's even starting to learn how to "Say Cheese!"