Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Zoo Stroll

Peter currently has an obsession with big green men. It started with the Hulk, but has now moved on to Shrek and the Grinch. Several times a day he'll ask us to put a green man movie in. He goes around the house yelling "SHREK!!" McDonald's currently has Shrek toys in their happy meals so he was in heaven when we got a happy meal and he got his own little Shrek. He has been taking him everywhere ever since.

This week Shrek got to go to the zoo with us. We have had a couple cool days (high of 80) and are trying to enjoy the outdoors before it gets too hot.

Peter wanted to ride the elephant with Shrek. Shrek even got to sit on the elephants back, too!

Peter jumped in a puddle in his sandles for the first time and didn't like that his toes got wet. He whined for a bit and avoided puddles the rest of the time.

Peter loves the hidden frog that shoots water. He's strong enough this year to push the button all my himself.

All in all we had a fun time at the zoo and enjoyed the beautiful day! Shrek, too!

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