Monday, May 3, 2010

Swimming With Dad (video)

Well, since we are spending a lot of time at home this week I think I will try to update the blog. We have done some fun things this past month that I didn't have time to post! April had a lot of days in the 80's and some in the 90's. We started swimming!

Peter LOVES to swim! We put him in an inner tube and just let him go. At one playdate he swam back and forth across the pool all by himself!

He is such a little daredevil! We have to keep a close eye on him because he will jump off the steps or the ledge without even looking to see if we are paying attention. That will be the lesson of the summer: Make sure someone is looking!

Kick, kick, kick! Peter has the legs going! Even when he is in the hot tub at our apartment complex he can fight the bubbles from one side to the other.

We have also been working on laying down and floating. He spends about half his bathtime doing this now and just smiles up at me. It's a little more scary to do it in the big pool, but we usually get a few tries.

Peter loves to go to the pool. Just about every day he will go to his room and pull out a swimsuit from his drawers. If he is really motivated he gets mommy and daddy's swimsuit too and brings them to us. (Oh, hey! This pictures shows John's tattoo that he got in Guam. It's a tribal turtle and has 2 different latte stones in it.)

I even took a little video of the boys swimming in the hot tub. Watch my little fish go!

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